We at LaptopBlogger respect your privacy. To help you understand how we handle any personal information we created this page and made it easily accessible all over the site. The following paragraphs will explain how we handle any personal data.
What information is stored?
The only thing LaptopBlogger store is information that is used for tracking user data to improve the user experience. We track things such as time on page, browser, country and how users move around the site. None of this information is personally linked to you but is used to see general trends and information.
How do we store the data
The data will be stored and encrypted using the best security measures.
Outgoing links
We only link to trusted websites. However, any website we link out have their own privacy policy and is probably different than this one. We take no responsibility how they handle your data and advise you to read how their privacy policy if you feel uncertain how your privacy is handled at their site.
We use cookies to store a cached version of the website. This means it will load quicker on your next visit. A cookie is a small piece of information in your web browser. For the best user experience, we advise you to keep the cookies in the web browser but they can easily be removed from your web browser if you want.
See disclaimer
The privacy policy was last updated March 2016. If we make any updates to our privacy policy it will be shown at the top of this page.
Any questions regarding this privacy policy can be sent to us on our contact form and we will try our best to answer them.
By using this website you agree to the practices described above.